You Don T Mess Around With Jim Chords

C csus4 c csus4 c csus4 c f c uptowns got its hustlers the bowrys got its bums csus4 and forty second streets got big jim walker c hes a pool shootin son of a gun f yeah hes big and dumb as a man can come and hes stronger than a country hoss. G he a pool shootin son of a gun g7 yeah he big and dumb as a man can come c f c f and meaner than a country hoss c f c and when the bad folks all get together at night d c you know they all call big.

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E uptown got its hustlers the bowery got its bums 42nd street got big jim walker hes a pool shootin son.

You don t mess around with jim chords. You dont mess around with jim chords by jim croce learn to play guitar by chord and tabs and use our crd diagrams transpose the key and more. This is a very simple song most beginners should be able to play this no problem. Top rock guitar chords.

Kunci gitar jim croce you dont mess around lirik jim croce you dont mess around chord guitar jim croce you dont mess around lyrics jim croce you dont mess around lyrics and chords. You dont mess around with jim jim croce c 1971 uptown got its hustlers g bowery got its bums g 42nd street got big jim walker. And you dont tug on supermans cape a e you dont spit into the wind a you dont pull the mask off the old lone ranger b e and you dont mess around with jim e well a hush fell over the pool room jimmy come boppin in off the street and when the cuttin were done the only part that wasnt bloody e was the soles of the big mans feet a yeah he were cut in in.

You dont mess around with jim chords jim croce 1972 e e7 e e7 e uptown got its hustlers e7 e the bowery got its bums e7 e 42nd street got big jim walker e7 e hes a pool shooting son of a.

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